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Friday, 2 October 2009


Okay, I know it's a rubbish title but I couldn't think of anything else. So far the day has been an interesting one. I am currently sitting in Starbucks in Manchester (Clarence Street) using the free WiFi for the first time ever. And what a performance it has been! The laptop bag isn't big enough to hold my external USB keyboard so as this one is knackered I'm using the onscreen keyboard as well as the one or two keys on the laptop that do still work. Signing up to WiFi was confusing for my little brain but so worth it because I now feel quite the executive tapping away through my lunch and the biggest coffee I have ever seen in my life; though in my scruffy un-ironed tracksuit I probably don't look too executive.

Still, I'm happy. My lovely boyfriend Andrew made a special effort to come say goodbye this morning before flying off to Switzerland on business, I've had two doses of chocolate already and in just a couple of hours I'll be reunited with my old friend Contemporary Performance when I watch my pal Wayne's show at the Green Room.

Bugger! The battery on the laptop is about to go....

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